30 July 2011

Strange Happenings

Recently I've been suspecting strange happenings in my freezer when I am not looking. Every morning I wake to the eerie sense that I wasn't alone during the night, but when I check, everything looks exactly in place where I left it before getting into bed. When I question them the double-wrapped squares of puff pastry, the bags of walnuts, pecans, poppy seeds, blueberries, and everything bagel topping, the can of frozen lemonade concentrate, the tubs of egg whites and home made mango mole; they all look back at me blankly and shrug. "What?" they all say. "Eat your breakfast and stop thinking such paranoid thoughts." Despite their chilly aplomb, I haven't been able to shake the feeling that they are covering for someone or something. Yesterday afternoon I finally took action. I built a blind out of some ice cube trays and the butt ends from a loaf of brioche and I hid my camera inside, set to catch-in-focus mode. Whenever anything moves into the focal plane -- snap! I was astonished this morning when I checked my camera at the images recorded during the night. I am a light sleeper and even the smallest disturbance in the courtyard or hallway of my building tends to wake me, yet somehow just before dawn CDT a wild dachshund, a horse, and a whole herd of vanilla malted ice cream sandwiches migrated through my freezer without making a peep.

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